Glycomic Characterization
of Prostate-Specific
Antigen and Prostatic
Acid Phosphatase
in Prostate Cancer
and Benign Disease
Seminal Plasma Fluids
Krista Y. White¢Ó, Lucy Rodemich, Julius O.
Nyalwidhe, Mary Ann Comunale, Mary Ann Clements,
Raymond S. Lance¢Ó¡×, Paul F. Schellhammer,
Anand S. Mehta, O. John Semmes and Richard R.
J. Proteome Res., 2009, 8 (2), pp 620630
Development of
a nanoLC LTQ
Orbitrap Mass
Spectrometric Method
for Profiling
Glycans Derived from
Plasma from Healthy,
Benign Tumor
Control, and Epithelial
Ovarian Cancer Patients
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