Ion Beams
Electron Beams




instrumentONE - iONE
instrumentTWO - iTWO
- Array Processor
instrument101 - Aliquator


hydrogen generators
nitrogen generators
zero air & purifiers
Nitrogen Generators
Nitrogen Generators NiGen GC
capable of delivering 500 Nml/min with purity > 99.9995%
available in a standard version and the HC version which ensures 100%
removal of hydrocarbons
(< 0.1 ppm for applications with high-sensitivity detectors)
very high purity nitrogen guaranteed by the PSA system with
the exclusive CLAIND Fast Purity patent
facility to serve up to 12 FIDs/NPDs with makeup gas or
up to 7 ECDs or 5 S/S
high performance available with an extremely competitive purchase price
facility for integration with a dedicated air compressor
Nitrogen Generators NiGen LCMS

For the LC/MS analysers line, the Brezza series offers dedicated NiGen LCMS Nitrogen Generators.

The LC/MS analysers made and marketed by various manufacturers do not all share
the same requirements in terms of type, flow rate, pressure and purity of the gases
needed for their operation.

That's why the NiGen LCMS series of generators in the Brezza line was created to
meet the needs of all LC/MS analysers on the market.

* available in 3 models:
- 40.1 version with output of 40 Nl/min and integral compressor
- 40.0 version with output of 40 Nl/min without compressor
- 100 version with output of 100 Nl/min without compressor

able to supply up to 4 LC/MS analysers
purity up to 99.9%
high purity nitrogen guaranteed by the PSA system with the exclusive CLAIND Fast Purity paten
t: unlike conventional hollow fibre membranes, the Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS)
utilised in PSA technology allow almost total adsorption of hydrocarbons, thereby
limiting analytical interference on samples and spectrum
the 50 litre Nitrogen storage tank and the internal compressed air accumulator
mean less frequent air compressor starts, thereby reducing noise levels and
maintenance requirements
high performance available with an extremely competitive purchase price
also the 40.1 version, which is equipped with a special built-in full oil-free
compressor, features minimum noise levels thanks to a series of sound-proofing
and antivibration features, while compressor servicing is only necessary after
14,000 hours of duty
facility for connection to the factory compressed air line in the -0 version
(without compressor)
facility for interface with a PC and/or Ethernet network using a special accessory
Nitrogen Generators NiGen HF
capable of delivering 6 Nl/min with purity of 99.9995%
very high purity nitrogen guaranteed by the PSA system with the exclusive CLAIND
Fast Purity patent
high performance available with an extremely competitive purchase price
HF-1 version with special built-in full oil-free compressor
extremely quiet thanks to special soundproofing and antivibration measures
Nitrogen Generators for Thermal Analysis and ELSD NiGen MICRO
capable of delivering up to 5000 Nml/min with purity of up to 99.5%
high purity nitrogen guaranteed by the PSA system with the exclusive
CLAIND Fast Purity patent
high performance available with an extremely competitive purchase price
facility for integration with a dedicated air compressor
for ELSD, Applied Biosystems LCMS and Thermal Analysis