Ion Beams
Electron Beams




instrumentONE - iONE
instrumentTWO - iTWO
- Array Processor
instrument101 - Aliquator


hydrogen generators
nitrogen generators
zero air & purifiers

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Cerno Application notes

¡¤ NEW! 105 - Identification of Pharmaceutical Impurities by UPLC and a Fast Scanning
  Quadrupole MS
¡¤ 101 - Determination of Elemental Composition with an Ion Trap at Unit Mass Resolution
¡¤ 102 - Accurate Mass Compound Identification with Single Quadrupole GC/MS
¡¤ 103 - Elemental Composition Determination on a Single Quadrupole LC/MS System
¡¤ 104 - Peak Shape Calibration and Formula Determination on an AccuTOF DART System
ASMS 2009
¡¤ Formula Determination and Relative Quantitation from Overlapping Ion Signals
¡¤ Optimization of Mass Accuracy, Spectral Accuracy, and Resolution for Metabolite
  Identification Using LTQ-FT Ultra Hybrid Mass Spectrometer in Nano-flow and Normal-flow
¡¤ Confident Unknown Identification of SVOC Compounds by Combining NIST Library Search
  with Elemental Composition Determination
¡¤ Investigation of Isotope Patterns of Pharmaceutical Molecules by Two Independent
  Detectors in a LTQ/Orbitrap Instrument
¡¤ Feasibility and Reliability of Low and High-Resolution MS Approaches for Accurate Mass
  and Molecular Formula Determination in Drug Discovery
ASMS 2008
¡¤ Bridging the Gap Between the Theoretical and Experimental Mass Spectrum
¡¤ Comprehensive Investigation of Injection Time and Auto Gain Control on Ion Trap
  Instruments for the LC/MS Application of Metabolite Identification
¡¤ Further Improving Elemental Composition Determination with FT ICR MS
¡¤ The Robustness of Elemental Composition Determination on a Single Quad GC/MS
¡¤ Evaluation of Molecular Isotope Patterns for Elemental Composition Identification on a
  Unit Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
¡¤ Identifying lipids and other small molecules from imaging mass spectrometry experiments
  using tandem mass spectrometry and exact mass
¡¤ Metabolite Identification Using a Unit Mass Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Mass
  Spectrometry with Accurate Formula Identification and Mass Defect Filtering
¡¤ Identification of Drug Metabolites by UPLC/MS with Isotope Pattern Directed Mass
  Chromatograms and UPLC with Radioactivity Flow Detection
Papers and Publication
¡¤ NEW ONLINE featured in LC-GC! Improving the Confidence of Unknown
  Compound Identification by First Responder Mobile GC?MS Laboratories in
  Time-Critical Environmental and Homeland Security Incidents
¡¤ The Importance of Line-Shape Calibration in Mass Spectrometry
¡¤ Self-Calibration of Mass Spectral Line-Shapes for Improving the Formula Identification of
  Unknown Compounds
¡¤ A Mathematical Approach to Error Reduction in Mass Spectrometry
¡¤ Accurate Mass Measurements on Unit Mass Resolution Mass Spectrometers
¡¤ Comprehensive MS Calibration to Achieve HMA and Parameter-Free Peak Detection
¡¤ A Novel Approach for Elemental Composition Determination of Pharmaceuticals
¡¤ Simultaneous Compensation of Peak Shape and m/z for an LC-TOF System
¡¤ Strategies for the Automated Identification of Compounds from LC-MS/MS Data
¡¤ Quantitative analysis of antiretroviral drugs by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
¡¤ Combining Profile Mode MS Data Processing and AMF for LC/MS Metabolite Applications
¡¤ Accurate mass filtering of ion chromatograms for metabolite identification using a unit
  mass resolution liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry system
¡¤ Cerno Calibration Tutorial
¡¤ About the Technology developed by Cerno Bioscience
ASMS 2007
¡¤ Beyond Mass Accuracy: the Neglected Role of Spectral Accuracy in Mass Spectrometry
¡¤ Eli Lily - Accurate Mass Measurement Using Single Quadrupole GC/MS for Structure
  Elucidation of Unknowns
¡¤ P&G - Identifications of "UNKNOWNS" ? Structural Clues from Advanced Isotope Peak
  Modeling of MS and Orthogonal MS/MS Data
¡¤ U Fla - Improving Mass Accuracy on a Unit Resolution Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
¡¤ Automatic Generation of Extract ion Chromatogram for Mass Spectral Peaks with Specific
  Isotope Labeled Patterns
ASMS 2006
¡¤ Automated and Parameter-Free Peak Integration for LC/MS/MS Quantitation
¡¤ Accurate Mass Measurements of Product Ions for Metabolite Identificationon Unit Mass
  Resolution Mass Spectrometers
¡¤ Comparing Mass Defect Filtering and Accurate Mass Profile Extracted Ion Chromatogram
  (AMPXIC) for Metabolism Studies
¡¤ Processing Raw Mass Spectral Data for High Mass Accuracy